Celebrating Female Leaders for Democracy and Freedom on International Women’s Day


The Washington Oxi Day Foundation released the following statement for International Women’s Day — March 8, 2013:

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, the Washington Oxi Day Foundation recognizes and celebrates the monumental role women around the globe have played in combating forces of tyranny and oppression to create a more just, free and democratic society.

One of the great stories of courage by women for the cause of freedom and democracy comes from the Greek community — the story of the women of Crete, Greece who demonstrated tremendous bravery in joining the civilian counterattack against the invading Nazi forces in the World War II Battle of Crete.

With only a small number of Allied troops remaining on the island at the time, the Nazis expected the island to quickly surrender. However, they failed to anticipate the courageous resistance of the Greek civilians, including Cretan women, who grabbed farm implements or whatever makeshift weapons they could find in their homes and joined the fight against the invading Nazis. A CBS News correspondent described the heroic actions of one Cretan woman: “Like a modern Joan of Arc, she led her fellow townsmen in battle, shooting at the German parachutists who landed on the island by the thousands.”

The Battle of Crete saw the first significant civilian counterattack of World War II, and the Nazis suffered more casualties on the first day of conflict in Crete than they had on any single day since the beginning of the war. Nearly 1,000 Cretan women were killed and an additional 500 deported to Germany for their involvement in battle, in hiding and caring for wounded fighters, and in smuggling arms and messages when they knew that discovery meant certain death.

The legacy of the women of Crete is carried on today by women around the world who continue the ongoing fight for freedom and democracy — women like 2012 Battle of Crete Award recipient Dr. Fouzia Saeed, who has spent four decades improving the lives of women in Pakistan, and 2011 award recipient Aung San Suu Kyi, who has committed her life to bringing democracy to Burma.

On this day and throughout the year, the Washington Oxi Day Foundation celebrates the millions of women, both past and present, who have championed the cause of freedom and democracy for all. To them, we say thank you.

Click here to view a video about the Battle of Crete and the role Cretan women played in it.

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