Honoring an American Veteran, Greek-American Veteran and Greek Veteran who served valiantly in World War II
Honoring an American Veteran, Greek-American Veteran and Greek Veteran who served valiantly in World War II
2018 | Celestino Almeda
2017 | Senator Daniel K. Inouye
2016 | Senator Ted Stevens
2015 | Senator John Glenn
2014 | The Honorable Ralph Hall
2013 | The Honorable John Dingell
2012 | The Hon. Benjamin A. Gilman
2011 | Senator Robert J. Dole
2019 | Alex Spanos
2019 | Vasilios S. Haseotes
2018 | Alexander Martin Georgiades
2017 | George Possas
2016 | Colonel George Stavridis
2015 | Mr. James Moshovitis
2014 | Major Nicholas J. Bouras
2014 | Staff Sergeant Sam J. Bouras
2013 | Lieutenant Colonel Christopher Mehiel
2012 | Brig. Gen. Mike P. Cokinos
2011 | Andrew A. Athens
2018 | Rear Admiral Theodoros Lymberakis
2017 | Lt. Col. Eleftherios D. Smirniotopoulos
2016 | Dimitrios Itsios
2015 | General George Douratsos
2014 | Admiral Ioannis Toumbas
2013 | Lieutenant General Konstantinos Korkas
2012 | Antonios M. Kounalakis
2011 | Panagiotis M. Sakellaris