Oxi Day Award Recipient Featured on National Television Saturday Night


WASHINGTON, DC, February 4, 2016 — The 2014 Oxi Day Award recipient James Foley will be featured on national cable television this Saturday, February 6 at 9:00 pm EST when the documentary Jim: The James Foley Story debuts on HBO.


Foley, an American conflict journalist, was the first American killed by ISIS in response to Iraq airstrikes. His very public and brutal execution was the number one news story in the last 6 years and the most recognized event since 9-11.

President Bill Clinton nominated and introduced Foley (see video here) as the 2014 Oxi Day Award recipient at the annual Oxi Day Foundation black tie gala in Washington, DC.

Foley’s parents Diane and John Foley accepted the award posthumously on behalf of their son.


To see a video of this presentation, please click here.

To see pictures from this awards gala, click here.

The documentary by Foley’s close childhood friend, Brian Oakes, tells the story of Jim’s life through intimate interviews with his family, friends and fellow journalists. Jim debuted at the Sundance Film Festival and received the Audience Award in the US Documentary category. The musician Sting, who wrong a song titled The Empty Chair for the documentary, spoke at length about the power of the film. “It’s a very devastating film and at the end I had to be picked up off the floor… this movie is the antidote to the nonsense that we see going on in the world now,” he said.

To view the trailer to this documentary, please click here.

To view Rolling Stone’s review, “How a Documentary on Slain Journalist James Foley Reclaims His Legacy,” please click here.

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