Philotimo Video Featured in Today’s Huffington Post


Washington, DC, September 9, 2014- We thought you might like to read the following piece – one of the featured blogs in today’s Huffington Post – about the reception of our “Greek Secret” video about philotimo.

The Greek Secret

Andy Manatos, President and Founder, The Washington Oxi Day Foundation

The expansion of civility and civilization that seemed the unalterable destiny following WWII is breaking down dramatically in recent years. The breakdown ranges from uncompromising partisanship among America’s policymakers in Washington to seemingly democratically elected leaders of nations creating leader-for-life positions, like Russia’s Putin and Turkey’s Erdogan. Most recently, the breakdown in seen through the unsurpassed brute barbarism of ISIS and others exhibited in parts of the Middle East and Africa.

However, amid this degeneration and loss of freedom and wellbeing of millions, an ember of civility and civilization in the form of a video entitled “The Greek Secret” has emerged. It is sweeping around the world. In just over one week, a quarter-of-a million people have flocked online to this 14-minute video. The ancient Greeks brought civility and civilization to a world of brute barbarism. Maybe “The Greek Secret” can help stem today’s return to that brute darkness.

To read the full article click here

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