Ongoing Activities

The Washington Oxi Day Foundation will undertake ongoing activities throughout the year to immortalize the Oxi Day story. These activities will educate policymakers, opinion leaders, the general public, young people, and the Greek-American community about the debt owed to Greece for saving the world from Nazi domination by inflicting a fatal wound on Axis forces during a crucial moment in World War II.


Educating National and International Policymakers and Opinion Leaders

  • Educate policymakers and opinion leaders about the Oxi Day Story through the process of inviting them to nominate award winners and participate in annual Washington event.

  • Produce and distribute short video about Greece’s actions in WWII.

  • Create Oxi Day scholarship essay contest for all DC Metropolitan area schools, whose students include the children and grandchildren of significant U.S. policymakers and Ambassadors.

Building Partnerships with Jewish Groups, Women’s Studies Programs and Military Organizations

  • Work with Jewish groups and military organizations and museums to infuse the Metropolitan Chrysostomos and Oxi Day stories into their existing Holocaust and WWII presentations.

  • Encourage the women of Crete story to be taught in university women’s studies programs.

Teaching the Oxi Day Story to the Next Generation of Americans

  • Create Oxi Day educational video designed for and distributed to America’s high schools.

  • Create Oxi Day video from a religious perspective and distribute to Sunday schools at the over 500 Greek Orthodox parishes.

  • Develop Oxi Day scholarship contests, etc.

Creating an Oxi Day Online Presence and Community

  • Create Oxi Day website with education materials, news, listings of worldwide Oxi Day activities, etc.


  • Utilize social networking through Facebook and Twitter to build a community of followers.

  • Use content communities like YouTube to create Oxi Day spirit video contests, etc.

Sharing the Oxi Day Story with the Public Through Targeted Media Outreach

  • Generate stories in the national and international media, as well as specialized media addressing the Jewish community, women’s issues, human rights, military and veterans’ matters, etc.

  • Work with friends at Discovery Channel, Military Channel, and History Channel and other media outlets to infuse Oxi Day story into their educational programming.

Sharing Material Within the Community of Greek and Greek-American Organizations

  • Provide copies of Foundation materials to Greek and Greek-American organizations including: Greek Ministry of Education, The National Hellenic Museum in Chicago, regional and local social Greek-American organizations including AHEPA, international network of World Council of Hellenes Abroad, etc.

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